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Standing Group/Special Interest Groups (SG/SIGs) are an opportunity for Internet Society members to collaborate on and find solutions for topics of interest that are not necessarily addressed directly by the projects under the Internet Society Action Plan.
[[File:Accessibility Standing Group-Logo-Dark-Blue-RGB.png|300px|thumb|right|Accessibility Standing Group logo]]
* [[Accessibility Standing Group 2022-2023]]
Membership of the Accessibility Standing Group is open to all Internet Society Members. To join the Internet Society visit https://www.internetsociety.org/become-a-member/ - it's free!
* [https://isocasg.org Accessibility Standing Group 2024-]
The '''Internet Society Accessibility Standing Group''' was formed on November 1 2021, subsequent to ISOC's plan to de-charter existing Special Interest Groups. While the new SIGs are temporary and project-based, both Accessibility and Youth, as Standing Groups, are permanent.
The '''[https://a11ysig.org Accessibility SIG]''' (A11ySIG) '''[https://www.a11ysig.org/back-to-roots/ will continue]''', but revert to its origin as an Internet Society New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) project.
*March 31 2022 [https://a11ysig.org/accessibility_sg/Welcome_Internet_Society_Standing_Group_on_Accessibility.pdf Formal welcome from Internet Society BoT Chair Ted Hardie] (pdf)
The SG communicates via the '''[https://connect.internetsociety.org/communities/community-home?CommunityKey=2d3fead1-e0c3-419a-bc30-ad2e98fd9bdb Accessibility Standing Group Connect Community]'''
An election was held in January 2022, with the results '''([https://a11ysig.org/accessibility_sg/Accessibility_SG_Elction_Jan2022.pdf pdf] | [https://a11ysig.org/accessibility_sg/Accessibility_SG_Elction_Jan2022.xls xls]) ''', announced on February 14 2022. Terms expire on Dec. 31 2024.
* Chair: '''Gunela Astbrink'''
* Vice-Chair: '''Vashkar Bhattacharjee'''
* Secretary: '''Kindy Vereus Montreuil''' (from March 2022)
* Treasurer: '''Judith Hellerstein'''
* Planning and Reporting Officer: (Tie) '''Zakari Yama''' and '''Swaran Sanadhika Ravindra'''
* ChAC Representative: '''Shamsuddeen Mohammed Lawal'''
On April 12 2022, Klaus Hoeckner was appointed as an an associate member of the leadership team, to act as back up for Shamsuddeen Mohammed Lawal.
* Proxy ChAC Representative: '''[[Klaus Hoeckner]]'''
== Former officers==
* '''Peter Crosbie''' (Secretary Jan-Mar 2022)
* '''Joly Macfie''' (AMS Admin Jan 2022 - Mar 2023)
== Calls ==
See [[Accessibility SG Calls]]
also [[ASG sub-committee on content development]]
== [[Activity Plan]] ==
For 2022, the Internet Society has allocated a maximum of 30’000 USD per SG/SIG to pursue significant activities that support the mission of the Internet Society through the SG/SIGs work. The Accessibility SG Activity Plan (AP) will be inclusive of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)  and an activity budget. The activity framework will conceptualize, measure, and evaluate the work the SG/SIG will carry out throughout 2022 
* '''Mar 15 2022''' ISOC has supplied a template for the Activity Plan. ([https://a11ysig.org/accessibility_sg/activity_plan/2022_SIG_Activity_Plan_Template.docx docx], [https://a11ysig.org/accessibility_sg/activity_plan/2022_SIG_Activity_Plan_Template.pdf pdf])
* '''May 11 2022''' After deliberation, and a consultation of the SG members, the finished [[Activity plan]] was submitted to ISOC. [https://a11ysig.org/accessibility_sg/activity_plan/Accessibility_SG_2022_Activity_plan.pdf pdf]
== Framework==
* Draft [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1UbnGTE1VFkrVwpbYNe1SpXAZOaWiUN9A/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=104928052768300739552&rtpof=true&sd=true ISOC Accessibility Framework] Version 1.1 (July 20022)
== Group / Member Activities ==
* 6 Sept 2022 '''ISOC Community Week  Demonstration of accessible and inaccessible web and e-services through screen reading software''' by Vashkar Bhattacharjee and Dr Muhammad Shabbir
* 26 Oct 2022''' [https://blog.apnic.net/2022/10/26/aprigf-2022-inclusion-of-persons-with-disabilities-in-the-ict-job-sector/ APrIGF 2022: Inclusion of persons with disabilities in the ICT job sector]''' by Swaran Ravindra
* 12 Nov 2022''' [https://www.a11ysig.org/accessniger/Webinaire: Les règles d’Accessibility Web pour les Développeurs]''' by Zakari Yama
* 1 Dec 2022''' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkHb3Qrd4NU IGF 2022 WS#446 Harnessing the power of accessible technology]''' Speaker: Gunela Astbrink
* 5 Dec 2022''' [https://www.a11ysig.org/asg-euregs/ Webinar: The regulatory framework for Accessibility in the EU]''' by Klaus Hoeckner
* 2 Dec 2022''' [https://www.auda.org.au/blog/making-online-content-accessible-all Making online content accessible to all]''' by Gunela Astbrink
* 21 Dec 2022''' [https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckdumrqTgsGN2S2K4VI7EsjpsQSsa0e0JO Bangla Desh Accessibility Webinar]''' by Vashkar Bhattarcharjee
* 11 Jan 2023 '''[https://www.a11ysig.org/ig-training-content-webinar/ Community Consultation on Content Development of Disability Leadership Training In Internet Governance and Digital Rights]'''
* 8 Feb 2023 '''[https://share.descript.com/view/xQ61YWMhgjO Accessibility Standing Group Annual General Meeting]'''

Latest revision as of 00:23, 26 May 2024