
Internet Society Accessibility SIG Registration

  • a11ysigPlease fill out the form below so we can process your membership . (Read our privacy policy.)
  • You do not have to be a member of the Internet Society to join this SIG, but we do recommend it! It's free! There are 100 local chapters, of which New York is just one.
  • (optional, but required if you want to join the whatsapp group, please include +country code)
  • Accessibility

    These questions are optional
  • Select as many as you like.
  • Engagement

    Here's where you can tell us about your involvement in policy or other activities. These questions are optional.
  • Select all that apply.
  • Again, select any that apply.
  • A11ySIG Membership options

    Here you can specify your participation in the SIG. At a minimum you will receive occasional announcements via the ISOC Membership system and be eligible to vote in SIG elections. You can terminate your membership, or change any other setting, at any time by emailing
  • This is an unmoderated email list for open discussion of accessibility-related topics, link sharing, etc.
  • This is a backchannel for more active members. You must have entered your phone number above to be added. You can always leave the group yourself via the app.
  • Unless you opt-out your name and location will be included in the membership list on our Wiki. In addition we welcome additional editors on the wiki. If you would like to contribute content, resources etc, you can get an account which will give you a personal page on the Wiki. Anonymous contributions can still be emailed to
  • You are done!

    Thank you for your patience and perseverance in filling out the form! You application will be processed asap!
  • Feedback welcome!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.