DEC 3 2020 – Commemorating the International Day of Persons With Disabilities: Building an Accessible Internet for Everyone

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On Thursday 3rd December 2020 at 2pm-3pm EST (19:00-20:00 UTC) the Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group (Accessibility SIG) will host a webinar ‘Commemorating the International Day of Persons With Disabilities: Building an Accessible Internet for Everyone‘. This event will bring ISOC leadership and community together to observe the International Day of Persons With Disabilities (IDPD).

The United Nations General Assembly resolution 47/3 proclaimed the annual observance of the IDPD in 1992. The observance of IDPD aims to promote an understanding of disability issues and mobilize support for the dignity, rights and well-being of persons with disabilities. It also seeks to increase awareness of gains to be derived from the integration of persons with disabilities in every aspect of political, social, economic and cultural life. The theme for IDPD 2020 is “Building Back Better: toward a disability-inclusive, accessible and sustainable post COVID-19 World”.

Andrew Sullivan,Internet Society CEO and President, will be the keynote speaker at the webinar.
Gunela Astbrink, VP Accessibility SIG, will also introduce and present the 2nd edition of the Accessibility Toolkit.




NOV 19 2020 -The Impact of Covid 19 and the switch to virtual meetings on the Deaf and hard of hearing community


In the third webinar of this series on Accessible Meetings, we bring experts to discuss the challenges of hard of hearing and deaf communities in online world and also to talk about how to turn these challenges into opportunities.

As a reminder the series on Accessible Meetings focused on the need to raise awareness and spread the message of digital accessibility for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs). The current pandemic has highlighted the importance of increasing the awareness of how to make digital spaces accessible, and to have an accessible online meetings. When everything is virtual, many conferences are just not accessible to people with disabilities.

Through this series of six webinars, we hope to increase the awareness so that the digital spaces can be made more accessible and inclusive to all irrespective of the disability. Our goal is to make sure that the Internet is really for everyone, just as the ISOC tagline states.

Title: The Impact of Covid 19 and the switch to virtual meetings on the Deaf and hard of hearing community
Date: 19 November 2020
Time: 09:00-10:30 EST | 1400-15:30 UTC
Participate via Zoom
Language: English

Christian Vogler, Director Technology Access Programs, Gallaudet University
Lidia Best, Chair of National Association of Deafened People ( NADP)
Mark Wheatley, Executive Director, European Union of the Deaf (15 mins)

Moderator: Judith Hellerstein, General Secretary, ISOC Accessibility SIG

This webinar is organized in collaboration with Gallaudet University.



OCT 30 2020: Accessible Social Media and Videos Webinar

Greg Shatan

Greg ShatanOn Friday 30 October 2020, at 12:00 UTC the Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group (A11ySIG) presents a webinar ‘Accessible Social Media and Videos‘.

Social Media and Video content can be a vibrant and engaging way to share information with your audience. Using image descriptions, audio descriptions and captioning you can make your content more inclusive of the disability community.

During this presentation, Greg Shatan, ISOC NY’s President and ISOC Accessibility SIG’s Treasurer will explore how to create accessible social media posts as well as how to write, record and post videos with captioning and audio description.

LIVESTREAM (Open Captions / ASL)


MAY 28 2020 – GAAD: When Rhetoric Meets Reality: Digital Accessibility, Persons With Disabilities, and COVID-19

Register on Zoom

Register on Zoom

On Thursday May 28 2020, from 12:00-13:30 UTC, in celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day, the Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group (A11ySIG) will host a webinar “When rhetoric meets reality: Digital Accessibility, Persons With Disabilities and COVID-19

This webinar brings together digital accessibility experts and people with disabilities to discuss the digital accessibility outlook beyond COVID-19. The webinar aims to share and offer a variety of ideas from different disabilities and different parts of the world.


Introduction: Muhammad Shabbir Awan, President, ISOC Accessibility SIG

Keynote: How governments can integrate accessibility into their web presences
David Berman, David Berman communications, Canada

Experience Sharing:
Naveed Haq, Regional Director Infrastructure and Connectivity, Asia Pacific, Internet Society
Gunela Astbrink, Vice President Accessibility SIG, Australia
Fernando Botelho, F123 initiative, Brazil
Judy Okite, founder, Association for Accessibility and Equality(AAFE), Kenya
Peter Crosbie, advocate for the autistic community, France
Lidia Best, Vice President, European Federation of Hard of Hearing, UK
Manique Gunaratne, Manager, Specialized Training and Disability Resource Centre, Sri Lanka

Open Discussion

Closing Remarks: Muhammad Shabbir Awan



Moving Beyond Rhetoric: Towards a Digitally Inclusive and Accessible Pakistan for PWDs

photo of banner

By Muhammad Shabbir Awan

The 2018 Pakistan IT Policy titled Digital Pakistan envisions “to become a strategic enabler for an accelerated digitization eco system to expand the knowledge based economy and spur socio economic growth”. We felt that with 10-15 percent of country’s population consisting of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) and over 95 percent of inaccessible websites, this vision would remain just rhetoric unless we do something about it. The answer, “make websites accessible for PWDs” seems easier said than done. Nonetheless, I am pleased to report that we have taken another significant step towards making ‘Digital Pakistan’ inclusive and accessible for everyone including PWDs.

The Internet Society Asia Pacific Bureau, supported by the ISOC Accessibility Special Interest Group (Accessibility-SIG) and Islamabad Chapter organized a 3-days advanced training on web accessibility from 21st to 23rd October 2019. For this purpose, internationally reputed expert on web accessibility David Berman was invited to organize the training.

Photo of class

Government departments, particularly Ministry of IT, National IT Board and National Incubation Center, were incremental in organizing this event. About 50 webmasters a majority from the government, people with disabilities, and private sectors participated in the training.

The three-days extensive program covered a variety of topics related to digital accessibility that included but was not limited to: introduction to accessibility; why and how accessibility helps everyone and not just those with disabilities; how accessibility will help project budgets; what are the major disabilities and challenges, how most of us have some level of difficulty that can be assisted by accessible design, and assistive technologies we can typically use to mitigate these issues; national and international policy and legislation; overview of W3C WCAG 2 guidelines A and AA levels; PDF and accessible documents overview, including accessible tags; understanding of how enterprise-wide development processes can save money and time; Javascript accessibility; testing tools for Web pages and documents; accessibility checklists; auditing models for page frameworks and specific pages; case studies walkthrough, including existing government websites; and advanced issues that are beyond AA, application and beyond Web and documents.

group photo

The purpose of the training was three-fold: first, train the developers to make the websites accessible for PWDs and according to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 standards. Second, to prepare local team of developers that is well versed in digital accessibility standards. Third, gather digital experts from Government, private sector and PWDs under one roof to start discussing to find practicable solutions to accessibility-related challenges in Pakistan.

trainees studying

To recall, over the past 4 years the Internet Society has been working on Digital Accessibility issues in Pakistan. This work has resulted in involvement, success and support from the government and local community, including People with Disabilities, to address the digital accessibility challenges in the country. One of the key successful outcomes of our efforts was the Ministry of IT taking PWDs on board as a stakeholder while formulating the aforementioned Digital Pakistan policy that was announced in 2018. With this training we wanted to build capacity of the government webmasters to develop accessible websites. In the concluding session of the training, Member IT of the Ministry of IT, Syed Junaid Imam, who was invited as keynote speaker reassured that all the government of Pakistan websites would be made accessible. He also informed the audience that MOIT is developing the strategy to implement the national IT policy and this time too, the input from people with disabilities will be incorporated in the document.

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The cases of Digital Pakistan policy and the current training on one hand show that Pakistan is incrementally moving to make internet truly for everyone, and on the other, proves that solutions to the digital accessibility related issues for PWDs can only be found with their own involvement. Meaning, nothing about us without us! Moreover, now when with the help of civil society the government of Pakistan has formulated the guidelines, the training has been provided to the webmasters, the next step is to translate the rhetoric (policy guidelines) into action! The ISOC Accessibility-SIG is ready to support in whatever way it can. I am sure that together we can ensure the websites not only of the government but also of the private sector are accessible for PWDs. Accessible internet for PWDs would bring us another step closer to fulfilling the objective of leaving no one behind by 2030.

About the author: Muhammad Shabbir Awan is a researcher, a rights activist and the President of Internet Society Accessibility SIG. He tweets at @MshabirAwan

MAY 16 2019 – GAAD: Digital Accessibility for Persons With Disabilities

GAAD Webinar

GAAD WebinarOn Thursday 16 May 2019 at 12:00 UTC the Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group (A11ySIG) marked Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2019 (GAAD) with its inaugural public webinar “Digital Accessibility for Persons With Disabilities“. A11ySIG founders and special guest Dan York of the Internet Society introduced the group and discussed this important aspect of the Internet Society’s vision that the Internet is for everyone.



Welcome and Introduction: Mr. Muhammad Shabbir Awan, President, A11ySIG

Historic Context of Accessibility SIG: Mr. Joly MacFie, AMS Admin A11ySIG

Women and Digital Accessibility: Ms. Gunela Astbrink, Vice President, A11ySIG

Digital Accessibility and Internet Society: Mr. Dan York, Director of Web Strategy, Internet Society

Accessibility between Policy and Practice: Ms. Judith Hellerstein, Secretary, A11ySIG

Interactive Discussion / Q&A session

Vote of Thanks and Wrap up: Mr. Muhammad Shabbir Awan, President, A11ySIG

TWITTER: @a11ysig + #gaad

The Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group (A11ySIG) is dedicated to ensuring equal access to the Internet and its benefits to all regardless of disability.

May 16 2019 marks the eighth Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD). The purpose of GAAD is to get everyone talking, thinking and learning about digital (web, software, mobile, etc.) access/inclusion and people with different disabilities.

The Internet Society supports and promotes the development of the Internet as a global technical infrastructure, a resource to enrich people’s lives, and a force for good in society.