WEBCAST Jan 7- A11yNYC – Audio Description in Advertising – Eric Wickstrom & Liz Gutman

ISOC LIVEOn Tuesday January 7. 2025 at 7:30pm-8:30pm EST (00:30-01:30 UTC) the Accessibility NYC Meetup (A11yNYC) hosts a meetup ‘Audio Description in Advertising‘. Eric Wickstrom and Liz Gutman of the award-winning Audio Description department at the International Digital Centre (IDC) will lead a discussion about the benefits of AD in advertising and explore the current and historical shortcomings of the industry.

The meetup will be webcast live via a partnership with the Internet Society New York Accessibility SIG.

LIVESTREAM: https://youtu.be/ZHhLu6veMTw (Open Captions / ASL)

PARTICIPATE: https://www.meetup.com/a11ynyc/events/304882319/ (Captions / ASL)

REAL TIME TEXT: https://www.streamtext.net/player?event=a11ynyc

TWITTER: @a11ynyc @A11ysig @IDC_Eric @Liz_IDC @idcdigital #AudioDescription #a11y #Accessibility #Captioned


SIMULCASTS (Open Captions)

PERMALINK https://isoc.live/18674

JAN 11: Community Consultation on Content Development of Disability Leadership Training In Internet Governance and Digital Rights

Community Consultation on Content Development of Disability Leadership Training In Internet Governance and Digital Rights - Event poster.

The Internet Society Accessibility Standing Group recognises the need for more disability leaders in Internet governance (IG) and digital rights. With the support of the Internet Society, the Accessibility Standing Group is developing content for an online course designed for disability advocates but also targeting IG practitioners and trainers who wish to know more about Internet accessibility for persons with disability.

This webinar of 90 minutes is an opportunity for community consultation on the content development of the course. Speakers and facilitators include persons with disability and IG practitioners and trainers from the Internet Society, IGF and ICANN communities.

DATE: Wednesday January 11 2023
TIME: 02:00-03:30 UTC *
REGISTER (ZOOM): https://bit.ly/asgigconsult
PROGRAM: See registration link
ACCESSIBILITY: Real-time captioning and International Sign interpretation will be provided.

Please view the recording, and add your comments below.

01 Introduction – Gunela Astbrink
02 Overview of Dhaka workshop – Vashkar Bhattacharjee
03 Swaran intro – Gunela
04 Training techniques – Swaran Ravindra
05 Nirmita intro – Gunela
06 Outline of work and key questions – Nirmita Narasimhan
07 Farazaneh intro – Gunela
08 Discussion – facilitated by Farzaneh Badii
09 Summing up – Nirmita Narasimhan
10 Closing comments – Gunela Astbrink & Anju Mangal

Webinar Dec 21: Digital Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities to Achieve the Global Goals

Webinar: Digital Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities to Achieve the Global Goals

On Wednesday December 21 2022 at 09:30-10:30 BST (03:30-04:30 UTC) the Internet Society Accessibility Standing Group presents a webinar ‘Digital Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities to Achieve the Global Goals‘. This is an international webinar with a focus on accessibility in Bangladesh, in cooperation with the Bangladesh Government’s public service innovation unit (a2i).

The WHO estimates that about 15% of the global population lives with some form of disability, and among them, 80% live in low and middle-income countries. They have limited digital footprints due to the lack of internet facilities and the accessibility of the websites, apps, and digital services. Although the Bangladesh Government has set the priorities of digitizing the public services to implement the vision of Digital Bangladesh including making it more inclusive and barrier-free for all, persons with disabilities are still deprived of accessing these public services.

Nowadays, a remarkable number of private services are also provided online, and those are inaccessible to persons with disabilities. Consequently, a significant number of citizens are being deprived of digital services. Therefore, awareness should be created to promote digital inclusion for persons with disabilities, complementing the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

This event will be in English. Text captions and Bangla Sign Language (BdSL) interpretation will be available.

PROGRAMME 09:30-10:30 BST (03:30-04:30 UTC)

Anir Chowdhury, Policy Advisor, a2i

Gunela Astbrink, Chair, Accessibility Standing Group, Internet Society
Vashkar Bhattacharjee, National Consultant – Accessibility, a2i / Country representative G3ICT / Vice Chair, Accessibility Standing Group, Internet Society

Swaran Ravindra, Academic, Fiji National University / Leader, Accessibility Standing Group, Internet Society
Azfar Adib, Senior Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) / Member, Internet Society Bangladesh Chapter
Nguyen Thi Ngoc Van, Deputy Resident Representative, UNDP Bangladesh
Moderator: Anir Chowdhury, Policy Advisor, a2i

Dr. Abu Saleh Mostafa Kamal, Director General, Department of Social Services (DSS)

NM Zeaul Alam PAA, Senior Secretary, Information and Communication Technology Division

Dr. Dewan Muhammad Humayun Kabir, Project Director, a2i (Joint Secretary)

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/isoc-asg-bd

AUDIO https://archive.org/download/isoc-asg-bd/isoc-asg-bd.mp3

TRANSCRIPT https://archive.org/download/isoc-asg-bd/asg-bd-TRANSCRIPT.pdf

Webinar December 5: The regulatory framework for Accessibility in the EU

Around 87 million people in the EU have some form of disability. Schools or workplaces, infrastructures, products, services and information are not all accessible to them. This presentation by the Internet Society Accessibility Standing Group (ASG), marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2022, will give you an overview about the conventions and directives enacted or in the offing in the EU, especially by the European Commission, in the field of ICT-Accessibility. Presenter Klaus Hoeckner will cover the main directives like the Web Accessibility Directive, but also others such as the EN 301 549 and the European Accessibility Act.

We will explain:
* What is the content?
* What is the difference between an EN and a HEN?
* What is a Mandat of the EU?
* What other regulatory items are in force within the EU?
* What could be the possible overflow to regions/countries outside the EU?
* Are their connections to Section 508 In the USA?
* Which items/policy fields are covered?

Monday 5 December 2022 13:00 CET / 12:00 UTC / 07:00 EST / 23:00 AEDT
13:00-13:40 The regulatory framework for Accessibility in the EU
13:40-14:00 Questions

Presenter: Klaus Hoeckner, Managing Director of Access Austria, has been working in this field since 2003. He is member of different working groups in European Disability Forum, European Association of Service Providers for Person with Disabilities, in Standardisation Bodies like CEN/CENELEC and ISO as well as other formal and informal groups. He was a member of the High Level Experts Group on Artificial Intelligence of the Commission and works in several national and international representation groups for People with Disabilities.

This event will have closed captioning.


Webinaire Nov 12: Les règles d’Accessibility Web pour les Développeurs

Webinaire info

L’accessibilité numérique devient un enjeu. Pour les entreprises, offrir des services accessibles est un avantage concurrentiel et surtout une démonstration d’équité sociale. Pour les États, assurer l’accessibilité aux services et contenus numériques pour l’ensemble de la population est une question d’élimination des obstacles à l’apprentissage, à l’emploi, à l’activité citoyenne, etc., mais aussi une question de justice sociale.

C’est pourquoi de plus en plus de pays adoptent des réglementations pour garantir l’accessibilité des contenus et services numériques aux personnes handicapées. En tant que développeur de solutions numériques, il est dans votre intérêt de connaître et d’appliquer les consignes d’accessibilité pour assurer une meilleure expérience utilisateur et que votre application soit accessible à tous. C’est un argument de vente clé pour vous, et une preuve de votre professionnalisme.

Grâce à ce webinaire, vous découvrirez les règles d’accessibilité et comment les mettre en œuvre dans votre application pour vous assurer que votre produit fini respecte les normes et réglementations internationales en matière d’accessibilité.

Importance de l’accessibilité web – Zakari Yama (Diapositives / video / audio / transcription)

Intervenant: Zakari Yama
Zakari YamaIngénieur IT de formation, Zakari a plus de 20ans d’expérience dans le consulting et la gestion de projets digitaux et Web qui lui ont permis de développer, entre autres, une expertise approfondie sur le volet expérience utilisateur. Zakari est également membre de la Leadership Team d’ISOC Accessibility Standing Group


Les règles d’accessibilité web et comment les implementer – Kawtar Choubari (Diapositives / video / audio / transcription)

Intervenant: Kawtar Choubari
Kawtar Choubari Kawtar est une ingénieure junior en développement logiciel et créatrice de contenu. Spécialisée dans le développement d’applications web et mobiles, Kawtar a pu utiliser ses expériences et mettre ses connaissances à profit en créant du contenu éducatif sur les réseaux sociaux et en animant des ateliers et des conférences pour les étudiants et les passionnés d’informatique.


Ce webinaire est organisé par l’ Internet Society Accessibility Standing Group en collaboration avec l’ Internet Society Niger Chapter.

Enquête post-événement: https://forms.gle/e2wAy6vyATEsXTY98​

A11YSIG WEBINAR OCT 6 – Introduction to screenreader.app

header with evnt title on background of phone apps in use

You are invited to an Accessibility SIG webinar ‘Introduction to screenreader.app‘ on Thursday October 6 2022 at 11:00 UTC.

The free ScreenReader app, developed by Abra and available to download at https://screenreader.app, can be used to learn how to use VoiceOver and TalkBack. Initiated during a COVID lockdown to help visually impaired people to digitally learn how to use a screen reader, now it is also used to create awareness and help other target groups, such as professional developers and testers, how to use a screen reader.

PRESENTER – Paul van Workum

As an app and software builder Paul van Workum noticed that there is a lack of awareness, knowledge and tools to make apps accessible. Together with Jan Jaap de Groot he formed Abra, which helps professionals and organisations with creating accessible apps. They have initiated a knowledge platform appt.org, a reporting app to report inaccessible apps, and an app to learn how to use the screen reader.

The Dhaka Declaration on Disability Leadership in Digital Rights and Internet Governance


logosBetween 24 and 27 June 2022, the Asia Pacific School of Internet Governance (APSIG) in partnership with the Internet Society Accessibility Standing Group organized the first Disability Leadership Training Workshop in Digital Rights and Internet Governance in Dhaka, with support from local hosts Internet Society Bangladesh Chapter, plus Article 19 and the APNIC Foundation.

Invited participants from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, subsequently issued the Dhaka Declaration advocating core principles for the participation of persons with disability in Internet-related decision-making processes.

  1. The ratification and implementation of international instruments such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Marrakesh VIP Treaty  and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (as related to persons with disability) in our region
  2. The commitment by Governments to make ICT and the digital environment in our countries accessible for persons with disability by formulating and implementing legislation and regulation in accordance with the international instruments. This includes making e-government services accessible adhering to the current version of W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. This commitment should be enforced by the governments with designated trained staff as well as reasonable financial resources. Furthermore, research and development in accessible technology is to be supported for low cost availability of digital products to persons with disability.
  3. Making educational facilities and curriculum at all levels accessible through an equal delivery mechanism. Developing and delivering university courses on digital accessibility.
  4. Providing an enabling environment facilitated by accessible digital resources in the public and private sector for creating employment opportunities for people with disability.
  5. Businesses and the private sector making their online services accessible and adhering to the current version of W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
  6. International donor agencies and IGOs providing accessible technologies, both hardware and software, to people with disability in their developing country programs. This includes training in the effective and safe use of the Internet.
  7. The accessibility of communication, advertisement and public messaging through the provision of alternate formats and the use of inclusive design.
  8. Internet Governance organizations welcoming people with disability to their deliberations, ensuring that their programs and communications are accessible, thereby enabling people with disability to participate proactively and productively in order to project their voices in global, regional and national Internet Governance processes.

Further activity (Capacity building roll-outs in 6 countries, tentatively during Oct 2022 – Mar 2023) is planned, wherein the leadership group from the Dhaka Workshop will work with their local communities to further engage with Internet Governance and related topics.

MAR 26 2021 – Accessible Banking for the Blind in the 21st Century: Experience Sharing from the Developed and Developing Countries

Register on Zoom

Register on ZoomThink about the different digital services that your bank offers you to pay your bills and do shopping without visiting your bank for months. However, even in this day and age people with blindness in some countries despite knowledge, skills and willingness, have to physically go to the bank branch to do their business because of the stubbornness of the bankers and/or their Ignorance to accessible digital technologies.

Join Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group (Accessibility-SIG) in an interesting webinar where people with blindness from developed and developing countries come together to share their experiences with the banking sector in the 21st century.

This discussion is a part of a series of webinars that ISOC Accessibility-SIG is organizing to spread the message of digital accessibility for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs). The current pandemic has highlighted the grave importance of increasing the awareness of how to make digital spaces accessible. During this current Pandemic, where everything is virtual many online platforms, digital environments and even conferences are just not accessible to people with disabilities. Through this series of webinars, we hope to increase the awareness so that the digital spaces can be made more accessible and inclusive to all irrespective of the disability. Our goal is to make sure that the Internet is really for everyone just as the ISOC tagline states. In the next webinar of this series, we are bringing experts and users from around different parts of the world together to discuss the challenges that people with visual impairment/blindness face particularly with regards to the banking system.


The webinar will be organized on Friday March 26th 2021 from 1300-1430 UTC


Moderator, Muhammad Shabbir Awan (President, ISOC Accessibility SIG)

Welcome and Introduction to SIG by Judith Hellerstein Secretary ISOC Accessibility SIG), (5 mins)
Stage setting by the moderator (3 mins)
Experience Sharing by:
Majid Khan, USA, (7 mins)
Vashkar Bhattacharjee, Bangladesh, (7 mins)
Abdul Qadir, Jordan, (7 mins)
Abdul Busuulwa, Uganda, (7 mins)
Imran Shaikh, Pakistan, (7 mins)
Gerry Ellis, Ireland, (7 mins)
Anatoliy Popko, Russia, (7 mins)
Open discussion, (30 mins)
Wrap up by the Moderator, (3 mins).

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/a11ysigcovid6 (Open Captions )

DOWNLOAD video | audio | pdf transcript | text transcript

FEB 25 2021 – Accessibility Challenges: A conversation with ISOC Armenia

Register on Zoom

Register on Zoom

On Thursday 25 February 2021 at 14:00-15:30 UTC the Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group (Accessibility SIG) convenes a meeting with the theme ‘Accessibility Challenges: A conversation with ISOC Armenia‘. All are invited!

1. Internet Availability Center of Blind and Visually Impaired People
2. Internet Radio for People with Visual Impairments
3. A tool for Autistic Children and Children with social anxiety
4. Let’s talk: AAC App for Armenian non-verbal individuals

LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/a11ysigcovid5


JAN 17 2021: Digital Accessibility Awareness in times of Covid-19



On Sunday 17 January 2021 at 14:30-16:00 UTC the Internet Society Accessibility Special Interest Group (Accessibility SIG) will convene a meeting with the theme ‘Digital Accessibility Awareness in times of Covid-19‘. All are invited!

1. Mr. Praveen Misra (India) – Overview of Digital Accessibility and Prominence & Challenges in times of Covid19
2. Ms. Judith Hellerstein (US) – Secretary A11YSIG – Overview of A11ySIG and outreach activities that can be undertaken
3. Ms. Kelly Colman (US) – Accessibility in Home Health Care and the impacts of SDOH” (social determinants of health)
4. Dr. Emmanuelle Gutierrez (Spain) Artificial Intelligence and the importance of accessibility training
5. Mr. Kindy Vereus MONTREUIL (Haïti) – Digital Accessibility between Necessity and Opportunity
6. Discussion & Question Answer


LIVESTREAM http://livestream.com/internetsociety/a11ysigcovid (Open Captions, ASL)
